Customer: MI - Ministry of National Integration
Elaboration of the executive project for lot D, first stage of the integrating project to the São Francisco river with the hydrographic basins in the northern north-east.
Customer: MI - Ministry of National Integration
Supervision, technical monitoring and technological control of the civil works in the executive project, of the supply and assembly of mechanical and electrical equipments for the first implementation stage of the São Francisco river with the hydrographic basin in the northern north-east - Pernambuco and Paraiba.
Customer: MI - Ministry of National Integration
Supervision, technical monitoring and technlogical control of work on the integration of the São Francisco river with the hydrographic basins in the northern nort-east.
Customer: SERMACT - State Secretary for Water Resources, Environment, Science and Technology
Supervision, monitoring and technological control of work and supplies for implementation of the Acauã/Araçagi canal – aquaduct for the coastal watersheds.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Basic and executive projects and supervision of the implementation work on the Jaíba Project, stage 1.
Customer: SEPLAN - Minas Gerais State Secretary for Planning
Executive project, environmental studies, monitoring, supervision, fiscalization of the work, and management support for the overall coordination and training of the stage II Jaíba Project.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Technical, economic and environmental feasibility study, preparation of the eia and consolidation of the engineering pre-project for irrigation of an area estimated 12,000 ha of the Mocambo-Cuscuzeiro irrigation project, located in the municipality of Santa Maria da Vitória, state of Bahia.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Basic project and complementation of the environmental studies of the Iuiú project – 1 stage - Iuiú and Malhada/BA.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Study for integrated use of the water resources of the Sertão de Pernambuco – evaluation of social, technical, economic and environmental aternatives.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Studies of pre-feasibility of evaluation of multisector alternatives and utilization of various natural resources in the area of influence of the Xingó enterprise, located in the municipalities of Poco Redondo and Canindé do São Francisco/SE.
Customer: SEINF/TO - Secretary of Infrastructure of Tocantins
Project for the São João irrigated fruitcultural hub.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Support with the fiscalization of the construction work on the main canal (CP-2) of the Jaíba Project located in the municipality of Jaíba/MG.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Basic project of pontal north area.
Customer: RURALMINAS - Minas Gerais Rural Foundation
Executive project of irrigation and drainage by aspersion of the area F (23oo ha) of the Jaíba Project, located in the municiality of Jaíba/MG.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Support in the fiscalization of the civil construction and assembly of the Estreito IV project.
Customer: IICA - Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture
Services for the reorganisation of producers and assistence (assessoramento) with the administration of the irrigated perimeter of the Platos de Guadalupe, in the muncipality of Nova Guadalupe/PI.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Executive project and supervision of the work at the Cova da Mandioca dam, an integral part of the irrigation perimeter of estreito IV in Urandi and Sebastião Laranjeiras/BA.