Customer: CEHAB/PR - State Company for Habitation and Works in a convention for technical cooperation with the DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Elaboration of engineering executive project of the transnordestina railway. Section Paranamirim-Araripina (PE) with an extension of 112.6 km (lot 3).
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Elaboration of studies of necessary alterations in critical areas of the railway corredors for the purpose of eliminating conflicts between railway operations and urban functions - PROSEFER.
Customer: VALEC Engineering, Constructions and Railways Inc
Supervision of implantation work on the ef-151 railway - north-south railway, sub-section Ouro Verde de Goías/GO to Estrela do Oeste/SP, lot o1-s: from Ouro Verde de Goías/GO - km 0.00+000 to the GO-156 motorway at km 111+219.
Customer: SUAPE Harbor and Industrial Complex
Study and final engineering project for the infrastructure of the railway extension into the harbor zone and ZR-2.
Customer: CVRD - Vale do Rio Doce Company
Supervision and fiscalization of the construction of the railway extension from Capitão Eduardo (a municipality of Belo Horizonte/MG) to Costa Lacerda, municipality of Santa Bárbara.
Extension: 46 km
Customer: VALEC Engineering, Constructions and Railways Inc
Basic project of the infrastructure, the superstructure and operational studies for implementation of the west-east railway integration, section Figueirópolis/TO to Ilhéus/BA, lot 3, sub-segment - the bridge over the Rio São Francisco (km 805.0) to the bridge over the Rio de Contas (km 1138.0) - extension of 333 km.
Customer: CVRD - Vale do Rio Doce Company
Supervision and fiscalization of the implementation of the Carajás railway, section between km 0.00 and km 82.110 (lot 1b) and supervision and fiscalization of the implementation of the Carajás railway, section from the km 727.247 to km 771.349 (lot 4d).
Extension: Lot 1B: 82.11 km
Lot 4D: 44.10 km