Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Environmental Protection Plan for the Irrigation of Estreito IV Project area – Urandi e Sebastião Laranjeiras/State of Bahia Stretch: 7 800.00 ha, being a lot of 6 792.66 ha and Legal Reserve Area of 2 906.00 ha.
Customer: DNIT - National Transport Infrastructure Department
Survey and study of environmental liabilities on federal highways Stretch: 1 715 segments along the entire length of 30 203km
Customer: DNER - National Department of Roads
Technical advice to DNER in the restoration project and decentralization of federal highways
Stretches: BR-101/SC – Section Palhoça – Border SC/PR – Extension 214km
BR-381/MG – Section Belo Horizonte – Border MG/SP – Extension 460km
BR-381/SP – Section São Paulo – Border SP/MG – Extension 83km
BR-116/SP – Section São Paulo – Border SP/PR – Extension 297km
BR-116/PR – Section Curitiba – Border PR/SP – Extension 128km
BR-374/PR – Section Curitiba – Border PR/SC – Extension 85km.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the environmental impact report (EIR) of BR-163/PA and BR-230/PA highways.
Section: BR-163/PA – Rurópolis – border MT/PA – Extension 784km
BR-230/PA – Junction BR-163/PA – Extension 32.2km
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), planning of environmental control (PEC), and basic environmental plan (BEP) for the adjustment, duplication, improvement, and restoration works of BR-262/MG highway.
Section: Junction BR-153(B) – Border MG/SP – Subsection: Junction BR-381 (B) (Betim) – Junction BR-494/MG-423 – Extension: 88km
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), basic environmental plan (BEP), and environmental technical advisory for paving works on BR-316/AL highway.
Sections: Border PE/AL – Junction BR-101 – Subsection: Border PE/AL – Junction BR-423 – Extension 49km
Customer: SINFRA - State Secretariat of Infrastructure of Mato Grosso
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), basic environmental plan (BEP), and environmental management of the paving works of mt-235 highway.
Section: Campo Novo dos Parecis – Rio Papagaio – Extension: 59km
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility Studies (EVTEA) (Including EIA/EIR) for São Domingos Dam, involving the land of municipalities of Urandi and Sebastião Laranjeiras, in the state of Bahia.
Watershed: drainage area = 402.23 km2 (40.323 ha) - total reservoir capacity = 73.75 hm3 - maximum usable volume = 69.71m3 - dimensioning flow 0.42m3/2 - deforestation of areas for construction = 165 248.81 m²
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), basic environmental plan (BEP), archaeology services, and studies to obtain authorization for vegetation suppression for environment licensing to duplicate BR-262/ES highway.
Section: Vitória – Border ES/MG – Subsection: Junction BR-101 (B) – Junction
ES-268 (Pedreiras) – Extension 51.2km
CUSTOMER: SEPLAN/MG - State Secretariat of Planning and General Coordination of Minas Gerais
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), and planning of environmental control (PEC) for the Jaíba II project in the municipality of Jaíba, Minas Gerais.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental component of BR-265/MG, BR-369/MG, BR-010/PA, BR-491/MG and BR381/MG highways (CREMA).
Section: BR-265/MG: Subsection: junction BR-265 (A) – junction BR-316(A)/308(A) – extension: 49,4km
BR-369/MG: Subsection: junction BR-265 (B) – junction MG-170 (Ilicinea) – extension: 57,4km
BR-010/PA: Subsection: junction BR-265/MG-050 (São Seb. Do Paraíso)
BR-491MG: Subtrecho: entroncamento BR-265/MG-050 (São Seb. do Paraíso)
BR-381/MG-167 (B) – extension 263,6km
BR-381/MG: Section Belo Horizonte – border MG/SP – extension 20km
CUSTOMER: SEAPA - Secretary of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
Elaboration of the environmental performance assessment report (EPAR) of jaíba project – stage ii - environmental control report (ECR) - planning of environmental control (PEC).
Customer: ELETROSUL - Electric centers of south Brazil Inc
Study of environmental control and integrated use of Campos Novos hydropower plant.
Reservoir: flooded area of 25.9 km2 and installed power of 880 MW.
Customer: CHESF - Hydroelectric Company of São Francisco
Environmental studies of lt 500 kv - Jardim II / Camaçari II, with an extension of 270 km and the expansion of SE Jardim II 500/230 kv, in the states of Sergipe and Bahia.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Environmental studies for the restoration and duplication of BR 163/364 highway
Section: Rondonópolis – Posto Gil – Extension 329.20 km
Customers: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
SINFRA - Secretaria de Estado de Infraestrutura do Mato Grosso
Environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact report (EIR), basic environmental plan (BEP), and environmental management of paving works on BR-158/MT highway.
Section: From Ribeirão Cascalheira (MT) to junction of BR-158 and BR-242 in Posto da Mata - Extension: 142.9 km;
Between Posto da Mata and border MT/PA – Extension: 411.7 km
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Consulting in environmental management, including environmental supervision and management and implementation of environmental programs for capacity improvement works on BR-290/RS highway.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Consultancy for the executive management of the implementation of the basic indigenous environmental plan – BIEP for construction works on the BR-429/RO highway.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Executive management of the implementation of the basic indigenous environmental plans - BIEP of the works on the BR-101/NE highway, Alagoas section, in the indigenous land (TIS) Wassu-cocal, Karapotó and Kariri- Xocó.
Customer: DNIT – National Transport Infrastructure Department
Executive management for the elaboration of the details of the basic indigenous environmental plan – BIEP of BR-230/PA and BR-422/PA highway works of indigenous lands - rota 1: Mãe Maria, Nova Jacundá and Sororó; rota 2: Apyterewa, Araweté-igarapé Ipixuna and Koatinemo; rota 3: Juruna km 17, Kuruaya and Xipaya; rota 4: Arara Volta Grande Xingu; rota 5: Trocará and Parakanã; rota 6: Paquiçamba and Trincheira Bacajá.